Travel to get back to our roots
The life of Jesus was a reflection of the Father Spirit or Source through which creation began and is sustained. By living a holy life, Jesus showed us the Way we must travel to get back to our roots, our beginning, our Source. Through his example, he showed us that we are all loved as children of God, and through his teaching we learned that our heritage is to become spiritual beings, capable of performing all the miracles of which He had the power, and even more. In essence, Jesus showed us that we are on earth to cultivate and grow a spirit of love within us to form a condition for the soul that will enable it to merge with its Source. We are to become fully united again with God, so that God may become aware in us. It required a complete giving up of self, a death that for us is the death of ego as it becomes transformed through integration with Spirit. It is then that our soul’s vibrations will become harmonized with those of Spirit so they may bl...