
Showing posts from March, 2013

Travel to get back to our roots

The life of Jesus was a reflection of the Father Spirit or Source through which creation began and is sustained. By living a holy life, Jesus showed us the Way we must travel to get back to our roots, our beginning, our Source. Through his example, he showed us that we are all loved as children of God, and through his teaching we learned that our heritage is to become spiritual beings, capable of performing all the miracles of which He had the power, and even more.   In essence, Jesus showed us that we are on earth to cultivate and grow a spirit of love within us to form a condition for the soul that will enable it to merge with its Source. We are to become fully united again with God, so that God may become aware in us. It required a complete giving up of self, a death that for us is the death of ego as it becomes transformed through integration with Spirit. It is then that our soul’s vibrations will become harmonized with those of Spirit so they may bl...

The Study of Psalm 23

The study of Psalm 23 is what God has given me to help me through some difficult times with heart irregularities. So I want to share with you some of the things I have learned about this psalm, how it has helped in my life. Hopefully you will get some ideas of how it can be of help in your own life Did you know that the only creature that has more trouble sleeping than we do is a sheep? Everything must be just right: no wolves, no insect pests, and no hunger. Since sheep can't find pasture, spray insecticide, or protect themselves, they need a shepherd. So do we! He makes me lie down in green pastures.? (Psalm 23:2 ) our Shepherd chooses the path, prepares the pasture, and protects the sheep. What's our part? Just follow, eat, rest, and stay close! Here’s an interesting difference between cows and sheep. If you want to get cows to go anywhere, you have to get behind them and push – Cows have to be herded in order to be moved. But not sheep. For a sheep to go anywhere...

Women why do you keep keep suffering?

This morning I was reading Judges 19:25-29.I think this is the most horrible story in the entire Bible but I feel that it is really important to talk about this woman and all the women like her in the world today.I hate this story.I wish it ... had never happened.Yet it did and it is still happening... every day. Do you know that in the Republic of Congo rape is being used as a weapon of war.So many women have been raped, mutilated, and abused in Congo that it is now being called "The War Against Women." They estimate that millions of women and girls have been raped, usually gang raped, and that this violence is still on the rise. Just a month ago the news reported that 200 women and 4 baby boys (ages one month, six months, a year and 18 months) were raped within miles of an U.N. peacekeeping base. As I've thought and prayed about this concubine's story, and the stories of all the women like her in the world, one thought keeps coming to my mind...When men ar...


Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of spiritual leadership. When most people think of leadership, they picture a military officer giving out orders or an employer closely supervising his employees, making sure all the work gets done.True ... spiritual leadership, with a spirit of humility and service, will cause people to follow you because they want to, not because they have to. Genuine humility and spiritual leadership is attractive. People want to follow a person who serves alongside them and sets an example for them. Nowadays everybody wants to become a leader. No one wants to become a servant. In reality, the world is badly in need of servants, not leaders. A real servant is a real leader. A real leader is one who really serves the people without ego and egocentric desires. In fact, greatness is not in dress, and lordship is not in acquiring wealth. Real greatness lies in humility and simplicity.”