Words are the most powerful agents of the mind

  Today I  have selected some affirmations from May's Rowland's
notebook especially for you, ideas she lived by and followed in her
daily life, with the hope that you will be abundantly blessed as
you use some of these powerful ideas in your own life.

May Rowland was the director of Silent Unity, the worldwide prayer
ministry of the Unity movement, for over fifty years. She was a
vibrant person with a fresh and vigorous approach to life, one who
lived life to the fullest, a person we knew and loved.

To Develop Your Potential

I see myself as God sees me, glorious, splendid, beloved, strong,
well, and capable. I see the world as a beautiful place in which to
grow and work and play. Through the power of the Christ within me I
revive my ability to live happily, to give good service generously,
and to inspire those who, like me, are growing and working and

To Realize One's Worth

I am the radiant, all-wise, all-loving, all-conquering son (or
daughter) of God. I rule supreme in all the affairs of mind and
body. Infinite wisdom guides me, divine love prospers me, and I am
successful in all that I undertake. I am the ever-renewing,
ever-unfolding expression of infinite life, love, and wisdom.

To Live Youthfully

I am alive, alert, awake, joyous, and enthusiastic about life. I am
always fresh and youthful, rested and relaxed. I feel young, act
young, and look young, for truly I am Spirit. I am the
ever-renewing, ever-unfolding expression of joyous life and youth.
I am young, strong, and healthy. My body knows it. My body shows it.

To Overcome Fear

I place myself lovingly in the hands of God. He protects me. He
watches over me. There is nothing to fear.

For Peace

Almighty Father, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with
love and peace in my heart. I accept peace from within myself, from
God. I open the way for greater peace by letting go of all
tendencies to hate, to condemn, to find fault, to become disturbed
and use unkind, bitter words. I remember the Christ and the Christ
Way, forgetting all else. Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.

For Healing

I send my healing word into the depths of my being, and every atom
of my body accepts it and responds. I am cleansed, purified, and
made new. The atoms of my body shout for joy. This I decree, in the
name of Jesus Christ.

For Divine Love

My heart is filled with love. I am not critical, irritable, or
impatient. I am the love of God in expression.

"This I Believe . . ."

Begin your prayer-affirmations with this statement. It will
strengthen your faith.

"Thank you, Father . . ."

The power of praise can bring about seeming miracles. End all of
your prayer times with a word of thanksgiving.

"Words are the most powerful agents of mind. Every time we speak we
cause the atoms of the body to tremble and change their places. Not
only do we cause the atoms of our own body to change their
position, but we raise or lower the rate of vibration and otherwise
affect the bodies of others with whom we come in contact."

- Charles Fillmore, co-founder of the Unity movement


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