I am NOT psychiatrist. I am simply one who has experienced depression first hand. I am, in fact, one, who with God’s help has learned from the experience: you can have hope in the midst of it!

To some people depression is a time of feeling low and discouraged. While this is an accurate description, it doesn’t necessarily describe all the other feelings that can be part of depression. I will share with you what my experience was.

  • You feel desperate and that you are losing control of your life.

  • It is a space filled with darkness, fear, despair, and panic.

  • Your thought world profoundly impacts your physical life.

  • You feel as if time is racing or you are moving in slow motion.

  • Your world and activities appear insurmountable and life can feel like a bottomless pit.

  • There are overwhelming feelings of isolation and you feel disconnected from others.

  • You feel trapped with no way to escape.

  • You hate yourself for feeling like this and feel tremendous shame and guilt.

    How do you gain victory over depression?

    I can only speak to you from my own experience. This does not replace speaking to your doctor about any medical concerns you might have about depression. I have found the following steps helpful in dealing with my depression and releasing me from its hold.

  • Recognize that God is with you and has always been with you.

  • Realize that He has a plan for your life.

  • Relinquish control of your life to God.

  • Replace negative thoughts with positive and truthful thoughts.

  • Rely on God because He is at work in your life.


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