
Showing posts from November, 2011

Be still and know that I am God

My thoughts for this morning : Have you noticed when the waters are still the moon will be mirrored perfectly. There is no effort that we can make to still ourselves. Do you know that muddy water will become clear if allowed to stand undisturbed, and so too with the mind become clear if it is allowed to be still. True stillness comes naturally from moments of solitude where we allow our minds to settle. If we still ourselves, we can mirror the divine. Just as water seeks its own level, the mind will gravitate toward the holy. Neither the water nor the moon make any effort to achieve a reflection. God speaks all the time, but the only way to hear his voice is to become silent and listen. -  Have a Blessed morning my friends Psalm 46- “Be still and know that I am God.”

When God Is Silent

   “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope” (Psalm 130: 5). Have you wondered what God is doing when you can’t see him? Have you ever felt that He is too busy to answer your cry for help? Have you felt forgotten in this crazy world? We all feel that way at times.   The silence may be what pushes us to dig deeper, like a growing plant in search of water. It could be that the answers are before our eyes, but we are too human to see what God wants us to see. Maybe we are looking with our eyes instead of our heart. It might not be time for God to reveal what he has for you. It’s not easy to wait, especially when God is silent, but experience tells us that it will be worth it. We know that our impatience will only get in the way of what he plans to do with us. We can try to hurry him along, but we’ll only end up feeling frustrated. The truth is that we should only want what he wants for us. True happiness lies in restin...

What the Lord Taught me-The storms in life

What The Lord has taught me- "The storms in life" Shalom “How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? (Psalm 13:2) My friends, I write this message for so many of you that are feeling literally torn apart by painful trials. Have you ever asked "When will this end? When will I get through this trial?" Trust me, I have asked this many times maybe more than you. You think you're all done with one trial, you clean your hands off and you're praising God that you're through with that storm. Then, before you know it, another wave comes in and knocks you off your feet. Maybe at this moment you are in one of three storm categories; either you just came out of a one, or you are in a one right now, or you are headed into one. Such as it is with crises, they cannot be escaped, even if you hide in the storm shelter it is still there pounding away! I speak about crisis and trials because they were my shadows. Unexpected cr...