What is in your hand?

God says to him, "What is that in your hand?" God told Moses to take that staff and use it to perform miraculous signs with it. (Ex. 4:17). It wasn't the staff that had supernatural powers; the miracles came directly from God. But God wanted Moses to see that He would use the small thing he had to accomplish something BIG.

What seemingly small thing do you have to offer God today? God says not to despise these things; He delights in seeing the work begin. Take that first step and offer what you have to God.

Moses had a staff.
David had a sling.
Samson had a jawbone.
Rahab had a string.
Mary had some ointment.
Aaron had a rod.
Dorcas had a needle.
All were used by God.

What do you have...my dear beloved ? Much more than you might think.

Be Blessed


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