A worldwide army of nobodies will soon arise

Throughout history, God has called many women to rise up and bring deliverance and healing to their lands and nation(s).

God is on the move.  He is stirring hearts and leading us into His purposes and plans for the future.  He is raising up His daughters to be His army - His chosen vessels to revive His people who have gone dormant and lukewarm. He's using His daughters, training them from within, to build this army.

God is on the move.  He is stirring hearts and leading us into His purposes and plans for the future.  He is raising up His daughters to be His army - His chosen vessels to revive His people who have gone dormant and  lukewarm. He's using His daughters, training them from within, to build this army.
"I will give them the wisdom, discernment and understanding as I reveal and My strategies for the days ahead says the Lord."
Several years ago, I had heard a message by David Wilkerson regarding the “Last Days ARMY OF God .It is one of the most intense, mind-blowing Christian messages I have ever heard. This message deserves major special attention. I know it may not be for everyone, but I feel I should pass this information on to the rest of you if you have not read or heard about this message . His message  also has a major prophecy in it about Joel’s army that is to come.

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Help me,” with her eyes tight shut. “Help me to love this girl, as if she were part of Karl come home. I prayed for him to come back. Now he has—in his two little daughters and in this gentle girl that he loved. Help me, God, to know that.”

The Army Of God by David Wilkerson

Something very powerful and awesome is going on in the world today something beyond human comprehension something that will
affect the whole world in these last days.

God is preparing a small but powerful army of Christians, the most
dedicated army on the face of the earth. The Lord will come forth to
command them to do exploits; He is going to close out the ages
with a pure, devoted, fearless remnant.

All my life I have heard stories about our godly forefathers who
hated sin. These men and women knew God’s voice and spent
hours, even days, in fasting and prayer. They prayed unceasingly
and had the power and ability to successfully stand up against
immorality in their day.

These forefathers have long since passed on. But God is in the
process of raising up another army and this time His warriors will
not be made up only of elderly, gray-haired fathers and mothers of
Zion. This new army will be composed of both new and seasoned
believers, both young and old, ordinary Christians who lay hold of
God! A whole new realm of ministry is about to come forth!

The denominational church system appears to be in the throes of
death. It has almost no influence in the secular world, no mighty
power in Christ. Some accuse me of being hard  on pastors. But I
am in touch with many godly pastors who grieve as I do over the
backsliding in the ministry today. There is a holy remnant of godly
pastors in the land, and I thank God for every one of them. Yet, it
is still a fact that more and more ministers are racing down the
road of compromise.

The Bible warns that we are not to fret! God has a plan and it is being manifested. It is put forth plainly in Scripture, mostly in the
first four chapters of First Samuel.

The prophet Samuel is a type of God’s last-days remnant. The Lord chose him amid the worst of times and hid him away in training until it was time to bring forth His new thing. God told Samuel, “Behold, I will do something in Israel at which both ears of everyone who hears it will tingle” (1 Samuel 3:11). What would
so amaze and startle all who heard it? It was the judgment of God on the backslidden religious system and the raising up, training and anointing of a new, holy remnant!

What God did in Samuel 's day, He does in every generation. Indeed, in every generation there has been a remnant, a praying
people after His own heart.


The prophet Samuel is a type of the last-days holy remnant—a
prepared body of believers that rises out of the ruins of the old,
decadent church.

Hannah, Samuel’s mother, birthed her son through bitter tears and
much prayer. “And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the
Lord and wept in anguish” (1 Samuel 1:10).

Try to imagine the scene: Hannah was at the temple every day, on
her knees before the altar, crushed and broken because she was
childless. As she wept, her adversary—her husband’s other wife—
made fun of her. “And her rival also provoked her severely, to make
her miserable, because the Lord had closed her womb” (1 Samuel 1:6).

There are three important things I want to point out from this passage:

* First, the remnant that Samuel represents is born in grief and
* Second, those who pray and grieve after God’s heart will be
provoked by adversaries.
* And third, God’s remnant is always going to be misunderstood!

Note what happened to Hannah as she prayed: “And it happened,as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli watched her
mouth. Now Hannah spoke in her heart; only her lips moved, buther voice was not heard. Therefore Eli thought she was drunk. SoEli said to her, ‘How long will you be drunk? Put your wine away
from you!’” (1 Samuel 1:12-14). Eli and his sons represent thedying, corrupt church that has forsaken the Lord’s way. Eli was soout of touch—so dead in his spirit—he thought Hannah was drunk!
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When Hannah was praying, she was filled with grief, burdened for
the birth of a son. All she could do was move her lips because of
her groaning in the Spirit. She prayed, “If You will indeed look on
the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and . . . will
give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord
all the days of his life” (1 Samuel 1:11).

Here are two distinguishing marks of God’s holy remnant:

* They pray like Hannah. Their burden is deep and their heart is
stirred because of the wickedness in God’s house.
* Like Hannah, they give themselves to prayer every day of their lives.

God wants to make you like that. He wants you to be able to touch
Him and hear from Him. He wants to give you a ministry to others
who will come to you with their burdens and trials. And as you pray
for them, His Word will come forth!

God doesn't need to make us into performers or superstars in order to use us. Instead, He's looking for  women who have hearts that say, "Lord, I'm a nobody. I'm nothing without You. Will You use me?" When God finds such a heart, something extraordinary happens.



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