God's Hidden Ones


God is raising up people who are focused on His will for this midnight hour! They are tired of living in a wilderness of mere survival. All they want is to know and do God’s will. Every member of this last-days army must be ready and prepared in heart—because God is poised to release His great, final outpouring!

God’s hidden servants

You’ll find this all through the Scriptures in the lives of God’s hidden servants: God hid Joseph in a prison before he came to the palace. He hid Moses in the desert for a third of his life before he led the people out of Egypt. God hid David in the mountains, running in and out of caves from Saul, before he was recognized as king.

In the New Testament, God hid Paul for three years in Arabia after his conversion, before he became a missionary. And here, God hides Elijah at Cherith before his great life contribution at Carmel.

God is going to use hundreds of thousands of ordinary servants for His end-time work of people-to-people ministry. So I ask you: Are you preparing your heart right now for His work to be done, both in you and through you …

Hearing from God takes more than quiet time alone. It takes more than simply saying, “Speak, Lord, for your servant hears!” No, there is not a formula for hearing God; there are not ten steps to follow. Before you can hear God, He has to be talking to you—and He talks to those who have prepared their hearts to hear!

Before you can hear God, He has to be talking to you—and He talks to those who have prepared their hearts to hear!Don’t count it a strange thing if God hides you. Here’s the principle: When God chooses to hide you for a time, He is preparing you for a greater purpose.

Sis Beth Ak❤️


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