The study of Psalm 23

The study of Psalm 23 is what God has given me to help me through some difficult times with heart irregularities. So I want to share with you some of the things I have learned about this psalm, how it has helped in my life. Hopefully you will get some ideas of how it can be of help in your own life too.

Did you know that the only creature that has more trouble sleeping than we do is a sheep? Everything must be just right: no wolves, no insect pests, and no hunger. Since sheep can't find pasture, spray insecticide, or protect themselves, they need a shepherd. So do we! He makes me lie down in green pastures.? (Psalm 23:2 ) our Shepherd chooses the path, prepares the pasture, and protects the sheep. What's our part? Just follow, eat, rest, and stay close! 

Here’s an interesting difference between cows and sheep. If you want to get cows to go anywhere, you have to get behind them and push – and watch where you step. Cows have to be herded in order to be moved. But not sheep. For a sheep to go anywhere, it must be led. Sheep are followers. Sheep will not go anywhere that someone else – like their shepherd – has not gone first and shown them everything is all right. To make a  sheep  to lie down hey have to reach a high level of comfort before the can relax. They have to be free from fear, tension, aggravation, and hunger, all of which can be eliminated through the hard work of the shepherd.

Sheep don’t like change. Sheep will stay in one place and graze and graze and graze there until all the grass is gone, unless someone leads them to greener pastures. Unless someone shows them there’s a better place, they’ll stay put.

The greatest single safeguard a shepherd has in keeping his flock safe is to keep them on the move, helping them find green pastures, leading them to fresh water, keeping them from settling too long in one place. Sheep are notorious creatures of habit, and if they are left to their own devices, they will literally idle themselves to death.

Our life is not a stagnant life. It is a life ever on the move. This doesn’t mean geographically, although that’s true for some. It means a constant desire to grow, to learn, to seek new pastures and find new paths. Jesus says in John’s gospel, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” In fact, early Christians were called followers of The Way. Not The Rest Stop or the Loitering Place. The Way. Leading, guiding, and following all imply movement.

God knows where to find the green pastures and the still waters, God knows how to restore the traffic jam that has become our souls, God calls us to follow him down paths that bring honor and glory to him. But like every journey, this movement starts with a single step, and that step is our willingness to let go of our own pretension and be led.

Peace be with you🌿🌿🌾


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