Purely by his grace
My life has been filled with trials, as I'm sure yours has also. But I look back and realize that with each trial, a valuable life lesson has been learned, even in times of tragedy. It even seems that each trial has only served to prepare me for the next one which is usually much tougher than the last. One day, I spent some time reflecting back on my trials and wondering what purpose they served. I wish I could list them all here, but you wouldn't believe I had actually gone through all of that. It would read like a bad novel. In fact, sometimes I have a hard time believing I went through them either, but I did. Life has been full of crazy stuff. Stuff they don't even make movies about because it's too weird and no one would believe it. But then I realized that God had a plan for my life, and I began to look back on all my trials as learning experiences for my great audition. For you see, God wants me to be a witness to others about His greatness, His strength, His ...